Need work done? We've got a rig for it.
At Resilient Drilling Services, LLC, we’re equipped to handle your toughest drilling challenges with a diverse fleet that’s as versatile as it is powerful. Our arsenal includes five CME 75 HT truck-mounted drill rigs (3 with angle capabilities), two track-mounted rigs, and one AMS Power Probe direct push rig. Each CME drill rig is engineered to deliver precision and performance across a spectrum of techniques, including hollow-stem auger, DTH Hammer Systems (Tubex®), wire-line coring, and direct rotary methodologies. With us, you’re not just getting a rig—you’re getting a tailored solution for every drilling need.
SPT Sampling
Various Ring Lined Sampling
CME Continuous Sampling
Dennison Sampling
HydroPunch II Groundwater Sampling
Soil Gas Sampling
Piston Sampling
Shelby Tube Sampling
Pressuremeter Testing
Backhoe Test Pits
Packer Testing
Groundwater Monitoring Wells
Soil Vapor Extraction Wells
Methane Monitoring Probes
Methane Extraction Wells
Piezometer Wells
Well Abandonments
Geotechnical Drilling & Sampling
Environmental Drilling & Sampling
Hollow Stem Auger Drilling
Angle Drilling
TubexDTH w/Casing Advance
NQ3/HQ3 Wireline Coring
Air/Mud Rotary Test Pits / Excavations / Percolation Testing
Limited Access Drilling & Sampling
Direct Push Drilling
Concrete Coring